

Art or rather the act of creating art has long existed as a way for me to capture memories; to recall and reframe observed, and lived experiences, and make them tangible. I’ve spent a lot of time exploring how that can look for me; finding new ways to tell stories authentically and without judgment. Art reflects our light and our dark; our beauty and our brokenness while also providing room to heal from, and relate to our experiences, ourselves, as well as others with renewed perspective.

I am endlessly inspired by the world around me and I have an enduring desire to tell stories without being confined by medium, convention or tradition. I make art because it brings me joy but I’ve also come to appreciate just how much my creative expression brings pleasure to others.

EXEYEVEE is the hub where I will share all of my creative projects; from literary, to visual and everything between, and beyond. You will also have the opportunity to invest in exclusive, one-of-a-kind works of art while supporting a dynamic creator whose greatest stories have yet to be told.